My Epic Journey to Machu Picchu- Planning, Viewing & Experiencing

Introduction: Overview of Machu Picchu and why I Chose to Journey There

Machu Picchu is without a doubt one of the world’s most iconic archaeological sites. Located in Peru, high up in the Andes Mountains, this ancient Incan citadel is known for its breathtaking views and its interesting and mysterious history. It’s no wonder why so many travelers have set off on an epic journey to Machu Picchu.

Now, after months of planning and careful preparation, I am starting my own epic journey to Machu Picchu. As a lifelong traveler and lover of nature, I could think of no better place to visit to feed my wanderlust. I know that this incredible journey will be full of surprises, and that I will gain a wealth of knowledge and new experiences from it.

The next few pages will cover all of the details of my journey to Machu Picchu. Here I will talk about the preparation for the trip, what I faced getting to Peru, the train ride to the site, my impressions of the site upon arrival, the different tours and activities available, my accommodation and food choices, potential side trips, experiences with the locals, and my overall reflections coming home.

So, join me as I start one of the greatest adventures of my life!

Preparation for the Trip

My preparation for the journey ahead of me was essential if I wanted to have a comfortable and successful trip. Before travelling, I had to research and gather important information about the best mode of transportation, the necessary documents required at the borders, climate, and the route plan. Additionally, it was important to look into what safety precautions and measures I had to take before embarking on this epic journey.

I also had to research into the cost of the trip and the ways I could save money while not compromising on quality. For this, I looked for cheaper hotel and transportation options, such as using the public bus instead of taxis, and opting for budget accommodation. Knowing these costs beforehand helped me create a realistic estimated budget that I could stick to while travelling.

Finally, I had to start packing my luggage. Knowing the hot weather in Cuzco and Machu Picchu I packed light fabrics and some rain gear just in case, and an ample amount of sunscreen and sunglasses. I also made sure to bring all essential items such as a first aid kit, cash, necessary documents, and photocopies of all important cards and documents.

Getting to Cuzco, Peru

Cuzco is the entry point to Machu Picchu and the adventure I was about to embark on. I booked a direct flight from my home in California and in less than 12 hours I found myself in a bustling city in the Peruvian mountains.

The city of Cuzco has a unique character that I had never experienced before. The cobbled streets were filled with people from all over the world, music, and the vibrant colors of the market stalls. I could feel the energy as I walked around the city, making me even more excited for the journey ahead!

I took my time to explore the city before beginning my journey to Machu Picchu. I visited several parks and plazas, exploring the colonial-style architecture. I also tasted some of the local delicacies like ceviche, a popular seafood dish in Peru.

The friendly people of Cuzco welcomed me to their country and I felt at home. I was ready to start my journey and took the train from Cuzco to the ancient city of Machu Picchu.

The Train Ride to Machu Picchu

My journey to explore the ancient city of Machu Picchu was off to a great start. After flying into Cuzco, Peru, I rode aboard a beautiful train that is often referred to as one of the most scenic rides in the world. It was definitely a sight to behold! The views along the way included vast, green landscapes, rugged mountain tops and incredible canyons.

I could feel myself becoming filled with excitement as I watched the scenery pass by. Every turn of the track revealed something new and the sense of adventure zinged through my veins. The further we went, the more eager I became to reach my destination. Along the way, I noticed small villages scattered throughout the mountains and rivers running into the nearby valleys.

It was an amazing experience to take in all the beauty of the land and ponder how it must look like when the sun sets. The locals say that the clouds that hang low during the day eventually disperse as night falls, leaving a sky that is filled with countless stars.

The train ride was not just about taking in the views however, as I made some friends along the way and had some interesting conversations. As we neared Machu Picchu, the landscape grew more impressive and the anticipation of what was to come filled me with joy. Soon I knew I would be standing at the top of the world, looking down at a city of mystery and wonder.

Arrival: My Impressions of Machu Picchu Upon Arrival

My journey to Machu Picchu was incredibly exciting and began with an amazing flight from the United States. On arrival in Cusco, Peru, I took the train through the Sacred Valley to the town of Aguas Calientes, which is the entrance to Machu Picchu. As I arrived by train, I was in awe of the stunning mountain views that seemed to stretch on forever.

I finally made it to the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu and I was speechless. As I gazed upon the ancient Incan citadel, I felt a deep sense of connection to the history of the place. It was a surreal moment for me, having dreamed of this place for so many years.

The sun was setting when I arrived in Machu Picchu, creating a perfect backdrop of orange and pink hues that filled the sky. I was awestruck by the view of the terraced ruins below me, with the backdrop of the majestic Andes mountains behind. I spent a few moments taking in the incredible sight before me, and then set off to explore the ancient ruins.

The following morning, I was able to take a guided tour of Machu Picchu and saw the different parts of the site. I heard about the incredible achievements of the Incan civilization, and their feats of engineering and architecture that still stand today. I also visited some of the temples built by the indigenous people, and took in the spiritual energy of the entire area.

For me, visiting Machu Picchu was truly an unforgettable experience. To explore the ancient ruins of a forgotten civilization, and to gain insight into what life must have been like for the indigenous people, was an incredible experience. After finishing my tour of the ancient city, I knew I had made a journey of a lifetime.

Tours and Exploring

Exploring Machu Picchu is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. From the main ruins to the lush mountain surroundings, I soon realized why this is such a popular destination. When visiting, there are a range of tours and activities available to choose from.

The most popular option is signing up for a guided tour around the main ruins. During this tour, I learned about how the Incan people built the ruins and what kind of lifestyle they had while living there. I was also able to learn about local plants and wildlife, making the trip even more special. Other popular activities include trekking up Huayna Picchu or the Sun Gate, where you can take in even more of the incredible views Machu Picchu has to offer. If you’re looking for something more relaxing, there are tranquil walks around the old reservoir and through the Sacred Valley.

The best way to decide which tours and activities to do is to research before you go or ask the locals when you arrive. Each option is sure to give you a unique experience, so no matter what you choose, you’ll be sure to have a great time!

Food and Accommodations

When you plan to travel to Machu Picchu, you’ll have to decide on what sort of food and accommodations you want. There are a variety of options available, so it’s important to consider which ones will be the best fit for you.

If you’re looking for a full-service experience, you can stay at one of the many high-end hotels in Cuzco. These will provide you with luxurious amenities such as pools, spas, and concierge services. You can also choose from an array of restaurants offering cuisines from around the world.

For a more budget-friendly option, there are plenty of hostels and guesthouses located throughout the city. These provide basic amenities and comfortable beds and usually include breakfast. Additionally, there are many traditional Peruvian restaurants that offer a delicious, authentic dining experience at a fraction of the cost of the pricier places.

Whichever type of accommodation you choose, be sure to research the options on offer ahead of time so you can make an informed decision. After all, your time in Machu Picchu should be the perfect mix of adventure and relaxation.

Possible Side Trips Near Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is part of an incredibly beautiful region in Peru, filled with stunning mountains, lush forests, and picturesque rivers. Even if Machu Picchu itself might be the highlight of the journey, exploring all that the nearby area has to offer is a great way to truly appreciate this once in a lifetime experience.

There are a variety of activities and places of interest close to Machu Picchu that can easily be incorporated into an itinerary. For those who are feeling active, a hike up the Huayna Picchu mountain is a must-do. The view from the top is simply incredible, making it well worth the trip. Those looking for something more relaxed can opt for a boat tour down the Urubamba River, with chances to spot local wildlife as you float along.

Exploring local markets and villages is another great way to get some insight into the history and culture of the area. Here you will find traditional art made by locals, as well as traditional snacks and drinks. It’s an interesting way to understand how life is like in this region.

Visiting sites such as Moray, salt mines of Maras, or Incan ruins near Ollantaytambo are also great options. Even a day trip to Lima, the capital of Peru, can be arranged.

No matter what kind of experience you’re looking for, there are plenty of exciting things to do and explore while visiting Machu Picchu.

Experiences of the Locals

One of the most rewarding aspects of my journey to Machu Picchu was getting to know the local people and discovering more about their culture. The indigenous people of the region are known as the Quechua, and this amazing civilization left behind a rich cultural heritage that can still be seen and experienced today.

I had the opportunity to explore the markets of Cuzco, and learn more about the history and traditions of the Quechua people. From the colorful Pachamama offerings made of natural materials, to the vibrant artisanal crafts, every corner of the market was filled with stories and surprises! I also had the chance to speak with locals, learning more about the culture and customs of the area. Even today, traditional weaving, jewelry making and pottery remain part of the daily life of the Quechua people.

Exploring Machu Picchu itself was also an exceptional experience. The people of the area are incredibly knowledgeable about the history and significance of the Inca ruins, and it was amazing to see how proud they were of this incredible place.

Getting to know the locals was a truly special experience that I will never forget. Everywhere I went I was welcomed with kind smiles, and I learned so much about the people and culture of the area. It’s an experience that I will treasure for a lifetime.

Returning Home

After days of exploring the unforgettable sights of Machu Picchu, my journey to Peru was complete. As I returned to Cuzco, I reflected on all that I had seen and experienced over the last few days.

I arrived feeling nervous yet eager for the adventure ahead of me and now I was leaving with an immense sense of fulfillment. My flight back home took me from Cuzco, over the Andes Mountains, and back to reality.

Leaving Peru, I made a mental note to self; I’ll be back one day when this pandemic is over!


My journey to Machu Picchu was one that I will always remember. From the incredible views during my train ride to the breathtaking sights at the ruins, I was overwhelmed with awe and amazement. There were so many unique experiences that made this trip unforgettable.

One of my favorite memories was the tour I took around the ruins. The tour guide had such an in-depth knowledge of the history and significance of Machu Picchu, and I learnt so much about this ancient Incan citadel. It was incredible to hear stories about the ancient civilizations that built this majestic structure, and I could not help but be in awe of their accomplishments.

The local food and hospitality were also wonderful. The flavors of Peru were a delight to my taste buds and I had amazing meals from local restaurants. The people of Cuzco were very hospitable, and it was a pleasure to interact with the locals. This added to my overall experience of Machu Picchu.

I believe that Machu Picchu is truly a marvelous place and I would highly recommend everyone take the time to visit this spectacular site. For me, it was a journey that I will always cherish.

Concluding Remarks

My journey to Machu Picchu was an incredible experience that I will never forget. I learned about ancient cultures, experienced a variety of breathtaking views, and had the opportunity to explore a place full of history and beauty. I am grateful for all the lessons I learned on this journey, from the flight to the train ride, the site visits and interactions with locals.

I would recommend anyone looking for an amazing experience to seriously consider visiting Machu Picchu. It is one of a kind and I guarantee that you will be glad you made the trip! From the sceneries to the activities you can enjoy, the culture and the cuisine—there are endless possibilities.

I hope that this guide has provided helpful information to make your own journey to Machu Picchu as memorable as mine. Whether trekking up the mountain, traveling by bus or train, or simply wandering around the archaeological site, there is something special waiting for everyone at Machu Picchu.

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